Zino Davidoff was a legendary figure whose legacy is stitched into the very fabric of today’s cigars. There is no better tribute to Zino and the industry he loved than a cigar that offers the same exuberant spirit of adventure. The Zino Nicaragua Toro is just the cigar for the job, beautifully capturing Zino’s passion while delivering a smoke that is at once smooth, intensely flavorful, and affordable.
The Zino Nicaragua Toro is handmade at Davidoff’s factory in Honduras and dressed in a bronze-colored Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper leaf. Hidden beneath is a Nicaraguan Semilla 56 Seco binder and complex blend of Honduran Olancho Visus, Honduran Jamastran Visus, Nicaraguan Ometepe Visus, Dominican San Vicente Seco, and Dominican San Vicente Mejorado Seco filler tobaccos.
Even though each different Zino Nicaragua cigars showcase the same tobacco blend, each offers up wholly unique cigar-smoking experiences. The Zino Nicaragua Toro delivers a voluptuous over-an-hour escape loaded with spice, leather, dark chocolate, coffee, pepper, nut, and cedar flavors. Creamy undercurrents flow freely as the medium-to-full-bodied smoke builds towards an invigorating grand finale.
The Zino Nicaragua Toro brings complexity and an adventurous flavor profile to the everyday cigar game, making for one of the best overall values available today. So, ponder the legendary Zino Davidoff and savor the moment with a Zino Nicaragua Toro and a splash of aged rum.