Alan Rubin and his team at Alec Bradley cigars are on a continuous quest to deliver the most sumptuously textured, most deeply satisfying and unique cigars to everyday cigar connoisseurs who value the balance between quality and taste. And that is exactly what Rubin and his staff have created with the Alec Bradley Nica Puro series.
Wanting to capture the very essence of voluptuous Nicaraguan tobacco, the folks at Alec Bradley have assembled a wondrous collection of fine binder, filler and wrapper leaves from Nicaragua that offer a deliciously rich, yet smooth and well-rounded smoke which allows the natural characteristics of the thickly textured Nicaraguan tobaccos to shine.
The Alec Bradley Nica Puro line is an ideal landing place for all those who are looking for all the best of a true Nicaraguan Puro or are simply in search of a medium-to-full bodied smoke that is neither overly robust nor boring. With a broad selection of popular sizes, including a wondrous 90-rated Churchill, the Alec Bradley Nica Puro series is a treasure trove of delights that don’t just use tobaccos from Nicaragua, these smokes ARE Nicaragua!